Your top values will always fill your time, so are you leading your life, or are others? If you’re regularly finding yourself feeling resentful toward your children or motherhood, it could be time to re-evaluate.
In this episode we explore:
- Beliefs like ’no one else can do this but me’ as forging an identity for your that’s become a straitjacket
- Exiting the straitjacket of the identity you’ve grown to big for
- Contemplating if my child doesn’t need me, where’s my worth
- Considering intensively meeting needs as a season, rather than a lifestyle
- Getting beneath our parenting challenges to see that perhaps we’re being asked to confront the fantasy we have with ourselves, how we mother, and our children
- When we step back, who steps up?
- When you’re not in connection, who is?
- Challenging the perfect mother myth that ‘Only the biological mother can provide the best care for my child’
- Healthy relationship requires an element of conflict
- Allowing everybody to be whole
- Lived experience and wisdom versus intellectually knowing all the tools
To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit
To explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit